Underwater Concert

Getting out of the marina cut was just as hairy as getting in. I’m not sure I’ll stay there again. Scary entrance, nothing to do there but laundry. Maybe if we want to visit Sandals again.

We’re heading up to Rudder Cut Cay. This is the best sailing day we’ve had yet. Low waves, winds around 10 knots. We’re sailing with full sails at 120 degrees, making 5.5 – 6.6 knots. What a beautiful day.

Well, sailing into Rudder Cut was an experience. The tide flowing in was ridiculous. The super choppy waves rushing out looked like reef. But all three charts said no. As we got closer, we began surfing down the waves as fast as 12 knots. We never hit anything, so I guess the charts were right.

Rudder Cut Cay is beautiful. There was only one other sail boat in the anchorage. We took the dinghy over to an underwater sculpture installed by David Copperfield. It was so cool. A small power boat was there waiting for a David’s boat to arrive with guests. His job was to turn on the music so the the guests would hear piano music under the water. We got lucky and were there to hear it. As a matter of fact, we are the only people we know of who’ve ever heard it. I guess we are the chosen few.

After we saw the mermaid sculpture, we dinghied around to a gorgeous beach where pieces of the island had fallen off into the water. They looked like jagged mushrooms sitting in the water. Then we dinghied over to a cave and stuck our nose in. So cool. We took a quick swim and went back to the boat. It’s dark by 5:30 and we all seem to go to sleep around 9:00 – sailors’ midnight.

Our plan now is to island hop our way to Highbourne Cay and hold up for a few days while the bad weather blows by. Could be worse places to be stuck.

December 2019