Bote. It’s pronounced like boat. No accent on the e. We like their stuff. Can you tell?
In May 2022, Leopard hosted an owners’ flotilla in the Exumas. We were going to take off and head to Eleuthera, but we opted to stay. And we’re glad we did. They had about 15 boats there, parties every day, beach games, music, drinks, it was great!
We met so many wonderful people. I’m sure there are other boat manufacturers that host events like this, but we’ve only ever owned a Leopard. It’s a whole community! The new friends we made will be friends for life. And the proof? Who else would spend five hours in the blazing hot sun helping you take down a main sail and put up another one? Leopard owners, that’s who.
Chris and Andrea from Cascadia helped us replace our old main sail with a new one in Staniel Cay. But we had a problem with the new sail. Luckily, our friends from Blessings, Sippin Pretty, and Lucky spent all afternoon, sweating their butts off helping us take down the new sail and hoist the old one back on in Warderick Wells. And here’s the kicker! They still liked us enough afterward to have a pot luck dinner on our boat that night.
Friends for life!
So, what does any of that have to do with Bote? Nothing really. We just set up this water world with all of our Bote toys for the flotilla. We opted to be the “fun” boat. People brought drinks and snacks, and either paddled over or brought their dinghies to spend some time schmoozing and having fun with new friends. And no, Bote did not sponsor us in any way. But we still love their stuff. Mostly because it allows us to meet people and spend time with friends and family.
Gotta love it!
May 2022